Bald and golden eagles in the US are at risk of lead poisoning due to bullet fragments left behind by hunters. The national bird of the United States is suffering from one of the most American pastimes.

A new study on the phenomenon of lead bullet fragments in deer was published in the journal Science.

The team discovered a high prevalence of lead poisoning among the two types of eagles after examining data from 2010 to 2018, suggesting widespread hunting is posing a very real threat to bird species in the US

Existential Threat

Almost half of bald eagles and almost half of golden eagles had signs of chronic lead poisoning. A third of the eagles had signs of lead poisoning.

Lead poisoning can wreak havoc on the health of birds, causing paralysis and death in the most acute cases.

The researchers found that the rates of lead poisoning were high enough to affect the growth of the species.

Over a 20-year period, you're talking about thousands and thousands of eagles that are being removed from the population.

convincing hunters to switch to non-lead bullets is an easy way to mitigate some of these cases. They're likely to do that once they find out they're potentially poisoning animals.

Almost half of bald and golden eagles in the US have chronic lead poisoning, most likely from bullet fragments.

Scientists are concerned that more electronics may cause more lead poisoning.

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