Abbott Nutrition has issued a voluntary recall of certain formula products. The photo was taken by a photographer.
Infant formula has many different ingredients. Neither Cronobacter sakazakii norSalmonella should be in Newport.
The FDA and CDC are investigating four cases of infants being hospitalized in three different states. One of these babies has already died. All four infants have something in common. They all had eaten powdered infant formula products. Not only that. Cronobacter sakazakii was found at this facility.
The FDA put two and two together in a formula and decided to issue a warning to the public.
Abbott has issued a voluntary recall of these products.
If your product is part of the recall, flip the container upside down. Make sure the lid is tight. There is a product lot number on the container. Enter this code into Abbott's website. You can find out if your product is suspect on this website. According to Abbott, the recall does not include any nutrition formulas.
The FDA is worried about Cronobacter sakazakii and potentialSalmonella, even though the recall notice indicated that Abbott had found no evidence ofSalmonella.
Chances are you are familiar with it. You could make a buffet with all the different foods that have been involved in the outbreak. I have covered many of these outbreaks for Forbes, including one in August 2021.
Cronobacter has gotten nearly the same attention. Such infections tend to be more rare. How rare? According to the CDC, there are two to four reported cases in infants per year. It is possible that reported infections do not include all actual infections. Some infections may not get reported. Most infants won't be able to say, "I think I have a Cronobacter, and therefore can't finish this hot dog."
Cronobacter isn't a good thing to do to an infant's hatch. The immune systems of infants are not fully developed yet, like George Clooney in The Facts of Life. Babies who ingest Cronobacter are more likely to develop badness such as heaving in their bloodstreams or brains. The brain is not a good place to have an illness. Infections there can lead to a lot of problems, including brain abscesses, which are small holes in the brain, strokes, and hydrocephalus, which is when fluid builds up in the brain. Meningitis is a life-threatening emergency. Up to 40% of infants can die.
Older children and adults are less likely to get Cronobacter infections. Even though you aren't an infant, you can still drink or cover yourself with Cronobacter. Even though your immune system is strong, you can still get wound or urinary tract infections. Things can get worse if your immune system is weakened.
How do you tell if you have Cronobacter? You may have to give your blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid if you are suspected of having an infectious disease. The doctors can see if the fluids grow the bacteria on the culture dish. If you are an infant and may have a disease, you may not want to wait for the culture results to come back and start antibiotics. Your doctor may start antibiotics on the assumption that you have an illness. Brain scans can help determine if you have a brain abscess.
If you see a bottle, bag, dish, or pita pocket labeled Cronobacter or Enterobacter sakazakii, you should not eat it. In very dry conditions, thebacteria can survive. Dry foods that have been contaminated with Cronobacter are the most common route of infections. When handling an infant or adult with Cronobacter, be careful.
Make sure your infant formula is not part of the recall. Wrap the container so that you can safely return it for a refund if the product is involved. Don't put the bottle in your mouth. If you have touched the product, wash your hands thoroughly. You should lather up with soap and water for at least 20 seconds if you want to avoid singing the first chorus of the Divinyls song. If the product has been contaminated with Cronobacter sakazakii orSalmonella, you should thoroughly clean it. Bothbacteria would not be a formula for good health.