Russia has around 150,000 troops and military hardware near the Ukrainian border, and the US warns that Russia could invade Ukraine in a matter of days.

Russia has been moving military equipment, troops, and even blood supplies to locations near Ukraine for months, despite denying any plans to attack.

Russia watchers told Insider that the former Soviet territory isn't likely to stand a chance if Russia invades. They can still put up a fight and lose to the invaders.

There are several possible paths of attack that Russia could take.

A Center for Strategic and International Studies report published last month states that Russia could strike from the north, from its own territory, from western Russia, from eastern Ukraine, and from the south.

An approach from the north would likely target the capital city. This kind of attack could lead to a regime change.

President Joe Biden said on Friday that the US believes Russia will target the capital of Ukraine, and that it is his opinion that Russian President Vladimir Putin has already made the decision to invade.

According to the CSIS, Russia could advance towards Kyiv via routes near Novye Yurkovichi. There is a chance that Russia could use Belarus as a launch point for an attack on Ukraine.

The Russian military could attack Ukraine from western Russia along a central route that would take it through regions controlled by Russia-backed rebels, pushing up to the Dnieper River.

Russia's armed forces could push deeper into Ukraine from the south, starting in the territory that they annexed in the summer of 2014).