The Journal of the American Medical Association confirmed that Ivermectin does not prevent Covid-19 from progressing.
Ivermectin tablets are used.
The risk of severe disease was not reduced when 241 high-risk patients with mild or moderate Covid-19 were given a five-day course of oral ivermectin.
Patients age 50 and older with comorbidities, lab-confirmed Covid, and mild to moderate disease were allowed to participate in the study.
The proportion of patients who progressed to needing supplemental oxygen to maintain blood oxygen levels of 95% or higher, as well as the rates of mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit admission, and other adverse effects were measured to test the drug's effectiveness.
The results showed that 21.6% of patients in the group that received ivermectin progressed to severe disease, while 17.3% of patients in the control group ended up becoming more severely ill.
The study showed that ivermectin does not have a significant effect on symptoms or hospitalization rates among people with Covid.
The study collected data from 490 patients.
Ivermectin is an inexpensive and widely available drug used to treat humans for parasites. Horses and cows are treated with a different form of ivermectin. Many of the studies that suggested ivermectin might be effective in treating or preventing Covid had methodological weaknesses. ivermectin is not approved by the FDA to treat Covid-19 in people or animals, and the FDA warns that the concentrated doses for animals can be dangerous for humans. Ivermectin can cause side effects if taken with other drugs. Bills have been introduced in Colorado, Florida, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and other states to prevent action against medical professionals who prescribe ivermectin. In August, Sen. Paul claimed that federal researchers wouldn't give ivermectin a fair shot because of Trump.
The drug doesn't work against Covid, according to Dr. Michael Saag, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases.
Is Ivermectin the New Hydroxychloroquine? Experts urge caution as online interest in unproven Covid Drug Surges.