You might think that an Air Moldova plane was operating a flight to nowhere yesterday, but that's not the case.

Air Moldova A321 draws “RELAX” in sky

On Thursday, February 17, 2022, Air Moldova operated a 1hr38min flight to nowhere. The plane with the registration code ER-AXR left Chisnau International Airport in the afternoon and made some interesting maneuvers until it reached its flight path.

Air Moldova Airbus A321

The plane wrote the word in the sky. This was near the border with Ukraine, which many believed was where the message was coming from, with the possibility of war on the horizon.

The “RELAX” flight path for an Air Moldova flight

What was the purpose of this flight?

When people first caught onto this flight path, it was assumed that it was related to the tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Is it possible that Moldova was trying to write a positive message in the sky?

Nope, that is not what was going on. This was a stunt for the launch of a new radio station. The flight was a publicity stunt for the radio station.

Maybe the next question is if part of the intent was to get publicity from the international community, or if it was just a coincidence.

Over the years, we have seen all kinds of planes and messages in the sky. In 2021, we saw an Air New Zealand Boeing 787 in the sky.

Air New Zealand’s kiwi flight

In late 2020 we saw a phallic image in the sky, apparently as an act of solidarity with the captain of Russia's national football team being temporarily suspended after footage emerged.

Pobdeda’s phallic flight

There are more examples over the years, but a couple of recent ones.

Bottom line

Air Moldova operated a flight to nowhere yesterday, during which an A321 drew the word "RELAX" in the sky with its flight path right near the Ukrainian border. The message was a publicity stunt for a new radio station in Moldova.

What do you think about this stunt?

The tip of the hat to Jon Park.
