Musk posted a meme that compared Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to the leader of the Nazi party.

Musk deleted the post.

It read, "Stop comparing me to Trudeau, he had a budget."

Bad Tweet

The image was immediately condemned.

The image of Hitler and the horrible things he did to people is sad and disturbing, according to the Auschwitz Museum.

It seemed to further align Musk with the anti-vaccine fringe. He has been an opponent of vaccine mandates for a long time and has supported the right wing truckers who have shut down much of Canada's transportation infrastructure as a protest against vaccine mandates.

Other observers pointed out that it wasn't the first time Musk had posted a meme about Hitler.

The Upshot

While Musk has been an accomplished executive in the realm of rockets and electric cars, his eccentricity and questionable judgement make him a remote outlier in the world of business. It's hard for him to go a week without getting sucked into a weird feud, but some of it, like today's, undermine the credibility of his business empire.

Some shareholders in his companies may start to wonder if his engineering skills are worth the constant circus.

There is more on the Neuralink Accused of Abusing Brain-Hacked Monkeys.

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