If the daily five letter word guess is too easy, we might suggest a new challenge. Start your Wordle with the worst first word you can think of.
What is that word? It's thexylyl, of course!
Chris wrote and ran a computer script that helped determine the worst way to start a Wordle game. Chris wanted more concrete proof of the best first move after watching a video that recommended irate as the best starting word.
Chris said in the video that he made a script to load all the words and calculate the frequencies of each letter.

Credit: Screenshot: TikTok

Credit: Screenshot: TikTok
The script found that the optimal first word is later, but Chris also found the worst word. Data fans asked for an update after he didn't addressxylyl in his first video, prompting him to scroll to the end of his calculated list for the big reveal.
If you were wondering,xylyl is any of several isomeric monovalent radicals C8H9 derived from the three xylenes.
Chris's initial calculation method was called out by other data-minded viewers, who noted the need to account for letter position as well as Frequency. Chris made several versions of his script that used both the sum and the product of position in order to find the best and worst word.
The best word seems to be eithersaree or soare, as it appears highly in all versions. The other worst word candidates are ImShi andaflaj.
It seems pretty certain thatxylyl will not lead you down a quick road to success. If you choose to start with it, you will look amazing one day.