Nuclear Disaster in Japan Did Something Strange to Trees

The trees outside the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant are acting weird, even though they didn't grow any larger or become sentient.

The fir trees growing near the destroyed plant were studied by researchers from multiple universities in Italy and Brazil. The scientists studied whorls, where leaves, branches or other plant parts grow from a central point, and found that fir trees around the area exhibited weird growth patterns.

The study shows that the conifers had irregular branching at the main axis whorls.

The trees got weirder as a result of the more radiation.

Circle of Life

The trees affected by nuclear radiation grow in funky patterns and are still affected by material in the soil. The team's goal is to learn how to better take care of people caught up in future disasters and to create better emergency management plans.

The large-scale effects of the FNPP accident are still visible ten years later.

We may not always be good stewards of the environment around us, but nature is happy to provide cautionary tales for humanity to learn from.

Scientists are monitoring radioactive snakes near the meltdown site.

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