'God has a sense of humor': Chester County stray reunited with New York owner has surprise puppy

Last week, The Jackson Sun reported on the story of the English dog who was found in Chester County after being missing for five years.

The dog's owner has an unexpected dog to deal with on the trip home.

Azzurra Diamante cradles her new puppy Miracle.
Azzurra Diamante cradles her new puppy Miracle.

After being handed over to the Henderson Animal Control, Azzurra was found to have a chip that traced her back to her in Nassau County, New York.

Costa was overjoyed to be back with her dog, but even more so when she found out that Azzurra had given birth to a puppy in the backseat of her car.

She laughed and said she had never been through this before.

Costa had a few days with nothing to do and decided to explore the region after picking up Azzurra from Henderson Animal Control.

She said that she went out of town for the night.

Shelter workers were unaware that the dog was pregnant when they picked her up, and Costa noticed some weight gain, but they gave her a clean bill of health and the duo went on their way.

Costa said that nobody knew she was pregnant.

Jen Costa holds Miracle, the miracle puppy.
Jen Costa holds Miracle, the miracle puppy.

Costa said that Azzurra began acting strange Monday night.

She said she couldn't sleep because she was panting so loudly. I didn't know what was happening.

Costa assumed the dog had urinated in the bed after he noticed a wet patch on the bed. She noticed the blood.

She said that she was like "What the heck?"

Costa immediately contacted the vet, who told him that Azzurra might be in labor or have an illness, and that he should bring her to the hospital in the morning.

Costa said that he took their advice because he had never been through this before.

It seemed that Azzurra had other plans.

When I woke up, I let her go to the bathroom because I stopped to take a nap.

Costa reached for something that Azzurra was holding in the dark.

Costa said that when he touched it, it was wet and moving because the lights were off.

Costa realized it was a puppy after a second glance.

Miracle the puppy was born very unexpectedly in the backseat of Costa's car, early Tuesday morning.

She laughed as she said, "You have to be kidding me!"

Costa's previous dog, Bruno, who passed away in August, looks exactly like the puppy she just got, and it's surprising.

Costa said the puppy looks like Bruno.

Costa has named the puppyMiracle, and it feels like the miracles are real at times.

She said she was excited and still in shock. He isn't putting more on my plate than I can handle. This is a blessing from God. It was like I got Bruno back again. It doesn't seem real, I feel like I'm in a movie.

Costa is trying to raise money to get a new apartment in New York so she can live with her dogs and grow her online cancer support community Strongheart Nation.

She said that God will open a door when the time is right. It's nice to have a happy ending after all I've been through.

Do you have a story to tell? Angele Latham can be reached by email at alatham@gannett.com or by phone at 731-343-5212.

The article was originally published on Jackson Sun.