Korean zombies are once again being used for a fantastic production. We've seen this before with Kingdom, but we're going to see it again with All of Us Are Dead.
I'm not done with All of Us Are Dead yet, but I thought it would be wise to read the rules of the zombies we saw. There is a big change that I haven't seen before in the zombie space.
The show spells out in relatively short order.
These are “fast zombies,” as opposed to George A Romero/Walking Dead slow, shuffling zombies. They also have a lot more strength than regular humans.
These zombies are not “hungry.” They do not eat brains. They don’t eat people at all, really. They bite people as a means for the parasite inside them to spread the virus. Once a person is infected enough, the zombies will ignore them and move on, even before they turn.
Once bitten, you will turn into a zombie yourself in anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The more severe the bite the faster it seems to go. You will get a nosebleed, then more or less instantly convulse and die before the virus then resurrects you as a zombie. So far, we have not seen any emergency tactics like cutting off an arm to prevent spread. It appears to move too fast for that to work.
All of us are dead.
Perhaps the strangest things about these zombies is their weak point. So far, it’s not mainly their head. The old “destroy the brain” technique is not what we’re seeing kill zombies here, most of the time. I believe that does still work, but in order for All of Us Are Dead to give its students a fighting chance, it’s revealed that you can stab them in the neck to kill them as well. Not sure I’ve ever seen that in zombie fiction before.
You can also get infected if zombie blood is introduced to any open wound, which can even be a scratch. This infection seems to be slower, however.
The key highlights are here. The main purpose of the zombie plague is to spread, not that it creates very hungry zombies who must consume entire people. Move on, bite. That makes it spread quickly. Don't get too attached to anyone on this show. It is one of the most brutal series I have seen in terms of killing off people.
I think All of Us are Dead is going to go crazy on the internet soon enough. I expect it to rise from there, as it has debuted at #3 in the top 10.
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The Earthborn trilogy is a collection of my sci-fi novels.