Washington state trooper who said Gov. 'Jay Inslee can kiss my ass' after being fired for refusing to get vaccinated has died from COVID-19

Robert LaMay was fired from the Washington State police in October after failing to get a vaccine against COVID-19 by the deadline set by the governor.

He died from the virus three months later.

This is my last signoff. After 22 years of serving the citizens of the state of Washington, I am being asked to leave because I am dirty. Jay can kiss my ass.

The death of LaMay is part of a larger trend. According to preliminary data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, more than 300 federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers died of COVID-19 in 2011.

Washington State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste was sad to hear of the death of his friend and colleague, Trooper Robert LaMay. His service to this state and agency will be remembered.