Too many pets kept alive when it’s not the kindest option, say vets

There are many options to treat unwell pets, from open-heart surgery on a snake to putting your dog through chemotherapy. Too many owners are spending a lot of money on keeping their pets alive even if it isn't the most humane option.

Channel 4's Supervet and other news stories are making pet-owners aware of the increasingly advanced and complex surgical and medical procedures that pets can undergo.

While veterinary science has made impressive advances in recent years, vets warn that extending an animal's life at all costs is not always the best option for them, and can result in bills worth thousands of pounds for their owners.

Danny Chambers, a vet in Hampshire who runs a phone-in on the radio, said that there are some situations where it would be appropriate to end the suffering of the animal. There is an ethical discussion to be had if you are going to put them through a complex surgery which will take many months to recover from.

Chambers mentioned the example of a person being treated for cancer. Humans are able to rationalise suffering as a means to get better, or to allow them to spend time with family or do things they have dreamed of. They just want to be happy.

He said most vets were able to give a list of three to five options for treatment plans, and that owners shouldn't feel as if they have to choose the most expensive one if they can't afford it.

I hope people don't feel guilty for not trying these procedures because dogs are happy when they are given the best treatment you can afford.

Andrew Knight, a veterinary professor at the University of Winchester, said that part of the reason for higher expectations from owners was that they are increasingly viewing their animals as important members of their households and families.

He said that people don't understand the costs of some of the most advanced medical and surgical procedures, even though they are very good.

Sean McCormack, a vet in Surrey who writes a newspaper advice column, said that he was seeing an increase in demand from people who had developed a close emotional bond with their pets.

He has done open-heart surgery on a snake, removed a bladder stone from an iguana, and fixed broken wings on birds.

Readers who replied to a Guardian callout shared their stories of complex surgeries for their pets, and the thousands of pounds they had spent, with many considering it worth it to keep their beloved animals alive.

Nambo using wheeled mobility aid at the beach

Nambo has the canine equivalent of motor neurone disease.

Lisa Kucyk estimated the veterinary bills for her dog at up to $200,000. He had four operations on his legs and was diagnosed with a disease that is similar to motor neurone disease. He now has a lot of treatments.

Kucyk said she had bought the highest insurance coverage available for Nambo at the time, but still had to dip into savings to cover his final two operations.

Kucyk is able to keep Nambo alive while she works from home, but she knows when his quality of life is no longer worth living.

Kucyk said the bills and care were worth it, and that he preferred his dog over most people. He is everything to me.

The president of the British Veterinary Association said that owners should be reassured that vets will always conduct a quality of life assessment and advise on health and welfare impact.

In some cases, they may recommend that an animal be euthanized if their quality of life is low, or if a treatment option may cause them a lot of pain and suffering.

These difficult conversations take an emotional toll on all involved.