Trump says his publisher — Donald Trump Jr. — can't find enough paper, ink, glue, or leather to make copies of his 'very successful photo book'

Donald Trump claimed this week that he couldn't get enough supplies to make his book because of the supply chain disruptions.

Trump spoke to Lou Dobbs on a Wednesday episode of The Great America Show.

Trump claimed that he faced problems printing his book because of issues with the supply chain after being asked about product shortages in the US.

The supply chain was automatic, Trump said. It was embedded. It was embedded in a free country. It was in our country. We did not talk about the supply chain. It is the two words people are using most because you can't get anything.

He claimed that he was running out of supplies to make copies of his book.

Trump said that his book sold 240,000 copies and that he ordered another 240,000.

The publisher, the printer, who is one of the biggest in the country, told me that we have a problem with paper. We can not get glue. He said that we can't get leather for the covers.

Trump said that his publisher was paying a huge premium to get the supplies.

Winning Team Publishing was co-founded by Donald Trump Jr. in 2021. It claims to be the nation's premier conservative publishing house, with the mission of promoting authors who represent the Silent Majority, America First patriots, and liberty-minded readers.

Winning Team Publishing claimed on its website that every single copy of Our Journey Together is proudly printed in America, noting that overwhelming demand and global supply chain issues have caused production delays.

There are two versions of Our Journey Together, one for $74.99 and the other for $229.99. The descriptions of both books don't seem to indicate that they are leather-bound. Copies of the book are scheduled to ship in February 2022, according to the book's listing on Winning Team Publishing's website.

This past June, Trump boasted that he was "writing like crazy" and working on a book about his presidency.

He said the book would be a coffee table book filled with photos. Donald Trump Jr. said that his father wrote all the caption in the book by hand.