Crop circles: Myth, mystery and history

Crop circles, strange patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers fields and are often attributed to aliens, are not just the wild fantasies of Hollywood directors. Crop circles are not fake. The press and public are fascinated by this phenomena.

The circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of countries around the world in the past decades. The mystery has inspired many books, fan groups, researchers, and even a television series and film.

Despite being studied for decades, the question remains: Who is making them?

Are crop circles a recent phenomenon?

A woodcut pamphlet that some claim represents an early crop circle.

A woodcut pamphlet that some claim represents an early crop circle.

Many people think that crop circles have been reported for a long time. The Independent reported that their primary piece of evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks. A little historical investigation shows that this is not a first-hand account of a crop circle.

An English farmer told a worker that he would rather pay the Devil himself to cut his field than pay the fee demanded by the worker, according to a folklore legend. The source of the harvesting is known, and it is Satan, who has a scythe in his hand.

There are 8 historical images of Satan.

According to the Australian Geographic, the worldwide crop circle phenomenon was heralded by an event in Tully, Australian 1966, a farmer said he saw a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away. Australian Geographic suggests that the flattened reeds and grass that he saw when he went to investigate may have been unusual animal behavior. Referred in the press as "flying saucer nest", this story is more of a report of unexplained phenomena.

The case for it being linked to crop circles is weak when we consider that the formation was made in ordinary grass and not a crop. Anyone with a kiddie pool in the backyard knows that a round impression in a grassy area is not mysterious. According to the RHS, mysterious circles have appeared in grass throughout the world that are sometimes attributed to fairies.

Modern crop circles

The Crop Circle which appeared at Stonehenge in 1996

The Crop Circle which appeared at Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England in 1996 (Image credit: Getty/ Heritage Images / Contributor)

Simple circles began appearing in the English countryside in the 1970s. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced, according to an article by Nature.

One of the world's most complex and spectacular crop circles appeared in England in 1996, across a highway from the mysterious and world-famous Stonehenge monument. It was an amazing pattern called a Julia Set, and while some simple or rough circles might be explained away as the result of a strange weather phenomenon, this one unmistakably demonstrated intelligence. The only question was if that intelligence was extraterrestrial.

It was claimed that the circle appeared in less than an hour and during the daytime, which would make it virtually impossible for hoaxers to accomplish. One of the most important crop circles in history was the circle.

What creates crop circles?

Crop Circles have often been thought to be caused by UFO's

Crop Circles have often been thought to be caused by UFO's (Image credit: Getty/ Bettmann)

There is no doubt that crop circles are real, and the evidence is overwhelming. There are ways to investigate the question of what creates them.

Crop circles can be evaluated with both internal and external evidence. Is there anything that indicates that the designs were created by aliens, or that the physical construction of the crop designs was done by aliens?

According to National Geographic, crop circle enthusiasts have come up with many theories about what makes the patterns. According to the Washington Post, one explanation for the mysterious circle patterns was that they were accidentally produced by horny hedgehogs. Kent Heberling said that some people have suggested that the circles are created by wind patterns or ley lines.

According to The New Zealand Herald, the answer lies in time travel or alien life. He thinks that human time travelers from the distant future could make patterns to help them navigate our planet. Drew believes that crop circle symbols contain messages such as "There is good out there" and "Beware the bearers of false gifts".

These odd, pseudo-biblical messages undermine the credibility of the crop circles. These aliens chose to impart cryptic messages about false gifts, broken promises, and hope to humanity, because of all the information that an extraterrestrial intelligence might choose to convey to humanity.

According to Lockhaven University, many who favor an extraterrestrial explanation claim that aliens physically make the patterns themselves. Some people believe that it is human, not extraterrestrial, thought and intelligence that is behind the patterns, but that it is an act of God.

Humans are the only known cause of crop circles. According to an article by the LA Times, two men confessed in September 1991 that they had created the patterns for decades as a prank to make people believe that aliens had landed. According to the Australian Geographic, they had been inspired by a 1966 report. They never claimed to have made all the circles, but their hoax launched the crop circle phenomena.

Crop circle researchers still search for genuine crop circles which cannot be explained, despite the fact that most crop circles are now attributed to hoaxers.

What are the common features of crop circles?

A triskelion crop circle. The symbol can be used to represent cycles, progress or competition.

A triskelion crop circle. The symbol can be used to represent cycles, progress or competition. (Image credit: Thomas J. Sutter, Jr. public domain)

Virtually all crop circles share a set of common characteristics.

There are circles. Crop circles, as the name implies, almost always involve circles, though some designs contain straight or curved lines. The easiest pattern for hoaxers to create is a circle.

Nocturnal creation. Crop circles are formed the next morning. It's a great advantage for hoaxers to create designs under the cover of darkness, as there is no logical reason for extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at night.

Camera shyness. Crop circles have never been recorded, except for those created by hoaxers. If mysterious earthly forces or aliens are at work, there is no reason to think that they wouldn't happen when cameras are recording.

There is access to the roads. Crop circles are usually found in fields that are close to roads and highways. They are rarely found in remote areas. The patterns are usually noticed by passing motorists within a day or two of their creation.

There are many theories about crop circles, but they all lack good evidence. Humans are the only known cause of crop circles. One day a mysterious, unknown source will be discovered for crop circles, but until perhaps they are best thought of as collective public art.

Additional Resources

Ken Amis from Lock Haven University wrote a paper about the truth about crop circles. The Art of the Crop Circle is a magazine about the art of the crop circle. The Weather Channels has some amazing photos of crop circles.


  • Daniel Stables, "England's Crop Circle Controversy", BBC Travel, August 24th 2021
  • Katie Heaney, "Meet the Croppies", Pacific Standard, June 4th 2017
  • Rob Irving and Peter Brookesmith, "The Art of Crop Circles", The Smithsonian Magazine, Dec 15th 2009
  • Mowing Devil - Oxford Reference
  • Tim the Yowie Man, "Saucer Serial Hysteria", Australian Geographic, September 21 2020
  • Richard Taylor, "The Crop Circle Evolves", Nature, 10th June 2020
  • Harry Eilenstein "Crop Circles for Beginners", (BoD 2021) 
  • "The Mystery of British Crop Circles", BriteEvents
  • Ken Amis, "The Truth About Crop Circles",  Lock Haven University
  • William Tuohy, "Crop Circles their Prank 2 Britons Say", LA Times, Sep 10 1991