Finally, an Explanation for the Cold Spot in the Cosmic Microwave Background

Our current models show that the Universe began with a Big bang around 13 billion years ago. The Universe was encased in a cloud of hot plasma during the earliest periods. The Universe cooled to a temperature of about -270 C (-454 F), which converted much of the energy generated by the Big Bang into light. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) was first observed in the 1960s.

The small fluctuations in temperature, which can provide information about the early Universe, were one peculiar characteristic of the CMB. There is a large spot in the CMB that is cooler than the surrounding afterglow. A team of scientists recently confirmed the existence of the largest cold spots in the afterglow of the CMB.

The Dark Energy Survey is made up of 300 scientists from 25 institutions in seven countries. The leader of the research team was András Kovacs, an astronomer with the University of Laguna in Tenerife, Spain. The results of their study were published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Why So Cold?

Multiple missions have been mounted to study the CMB in greater detail. The Soviet RELIKT-1 mission was launched in July 1983 and the NASA Cosmic Background Explorer mission was launched in June 1984. In 1992 the results showed that the first acoustic peak in the early Universe was caused by the creation of large-scale density variations.

The first acoustic peak was not detected with confidence until the WMAP was deployed in 2001, followed by a third peak before the mission ended in 2010. More missions have monitored the CMB to place tighter constrictions on temperature differences and small-scale variations in density. The most notable of these is the Planck spacecraft, which has provided the most detailed temperature maps to date.

The maps did not resolve the mystery of the Cold Spot, a large region that is slightly colder than the background. 2.5 K (-270 ) All manner of explanations have arisen, ranging from an artifact in the data to the possibility of a parallel Universe bumping into ours!

Eridanus Supervoid

The large-scale structure of the Universe is made up of Cosmic voids, which lie between galaxies and galaxy clusters. The voids are defined by their relative lack of normal matter and less dark matter than what is observed. The structures are expanding because of a hidden force that is not known.

The Cold Spot resides in the constellation Eridanus in the southern galactic hemisphere. The inset shows the microwave temperature map of this patch of sky, as mapped by the ESA Planck satellite. The main figure depicts the map of the dark matter distribution created by the DES team. Credit: Gergö Kránicz & András Kovács

The Eridanus Supervoid was a theory underdensity where the concentration of matter was 30% less than the surrounding region. The center of the void is 2 billion light-years away from Earth, making it the dominant underdensity in our neighborhood. The team used data from the Dark Energy Survey to create a map of Dark Matter in the same direction as the Cold Spot.

The team used the mass of thisDM as a lens to amplify and change the path of light coming from behind it. The map of dark matter is the largest map that has been created.

The new maps confirmed an underdensity in Dark Matter in the same area as the previous ones. The Supervoid in the Eridanus constellation is confirmed by this. This void could be the reason for the Cold Spot, a potential resolution for what these voids say about the evolution of the universe, and an indication of how they are still affecting evolution today.

Implications for Dark Energy

The existence and nature of Dark Energy is an enduring mystery. The mysterious force that counteracts gravity is responsible for driving the expansion of the universe. The expansion of the universe was first demonstrated in the 1920s by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Observations for the Dark Energy Survey were carried out using the Blanco Telescope in the Andes mountains of Chile. Scientists used its data to create a map of dark matter in the region of the sky that contains the Eridanus supervoid and CMB Cold Spot. Credit: Reidar Hahn, Fermilab

By the 1990s, surveys like the Hubble Deep Fields showed that the expansion of the universe had accelerated. There are theories that something is driving this expansion, be it an undiscovered force or a modification of General Relativity. By conducting large-scale surveys of the Universe, scientists hope to see the influence of Dark Energy directly and measure its properties.

The tug-of-war between expanse and gravity causes some voids to become deeper. The co-author was a cosmologist from IFT-Madrid.

“Photons or particles of light enter into a void at a time before the void starts deepening and leave after the void has become deeper. This process means that there is a net energy loss in that journey; that’s called the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. When photons fall into a potential well, they gain energy, and when they come out of a potential well, they lose energy. This is the gravitational redshift effect.”


The study did not resolve the discrepancy between the standard model and the observed variations in temperature with the Cold Spot. The model predicts that Dark Matter is composed of large, slow- moving particles that are driven apart by an expansionary force.

Diagram showing the Lambda-CBR Universe, from the Big Bang to the current era. Credit: Alex Mittelmann/Coldcreation

The results confirm the existence of the Eridanus Supervoid but can't say if the Cold Spot is related to it. As Kovacs summarized :

“Having the coincidence of these two individually rare structures in the cosmic web and in the CMB is basically not enough to prove causality with the scientific standard. It is enough of a new element in the long history of the CMB Cold Spot problem that after this, people will at least be sure that there is a supervoid, which is a good thing because some people have debated that. The trouble is that typical alternative models cannot explain this discrepancy either, so if true, it might mean that we do not understand something very deep about dark energy.”

This may be the greatest asset of this research, which may help to focus future research efforts. If the model is correct, the Cold Spot may be an extreme outlier that has a massive supervoid in front of it. If it's incorrect, the effect of intervening supervoids is stronger than expected. The energy density of the Universe has to be dominated by something other than normal matter.

This is one of the central pillars of LCDM and is one of the main theories about the mass-energy density of the Universe. Future studies and surveys are needed before scientists can say which scenario is true. There are several observatories that will be conducting this research in the near future.

Some examples include NASA's James Webb Space Telescope and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The mysteries of the Dark Universe will not remain mysterious because of these and other sophisticated instruments peering deeper into space.

Further reading is about the Fermilab.