Apple CEO Menaced by Armed Stalker Who Thinks She’s His Wife

Apple's CEO has taken out a restraining order against a stalker who he says has been sending him photos of loaded guns and creeping around outside of his house.

The Mercury News reports that a Virginia woman has been threatening Apple CEO Tim Cook for the past year, sending him photos of a loaded gun and roommate applications to drive cross-country in a car.

According to the report, the woman believes she is the CEO's wife and mother to his children, and uses the last name Cook on social media. Cook has been out about being gay since the year 2014).

The woman's obsessive behavior towards the Apple CEO appears to have begun in the fall of 2020 when Cook noticed her on the social media platform. On Halloween of that year, she began to use social media to talk about the relationships she claims they had, and thereafter began to become threatening and highly disturbing.

Mercury News reported that the woman said in one of her emails that she was waiting to have a sexual relationship with Cook.

The woman, who may be struggling with mental health issues, was also mentioned along with Cook, as well as Pichai and Microsoft CEO.

According to a report by Mercury News, the woman listed companies that were "highly offensive" in her applications to be Cook's roommate. After sending roommate applications, she drove cross-country in a car and tried to get into his building, only to be turned away by security. She was arrested after fleeing and INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals INRDeals

The woman continued to escalate after her Palo Alto arrest, demanding hundreds of millions of dollars from Cook, violent things about him, and demanding him to move. The woman's continued presence in the South Bay makes her more dangerous according to the CEO.

Though this isn't Cook's first stalker or even the first to show up at his house, this series of behavior is unique and weird, even by the standards of Apple obsessives.

Tech CEOs get the same treatment as movie stars when they become celebrities, right down to the stalkers.

Apple CEO Tim Cook was targeted by a stalker who came to his home and is still in the area.

Musk says people stalker his location has become a security issue.

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