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Young stars go through a lot. They emit jets of ionized gas. New images of two of these stellar jets show how complex they can be and how hard it is to understand them.

It isn't that rare to see jets from young stars. Young stars propel material out of their opposite sides. Young stars form when they are still growing. The jets are created by interactions between the star's magnetic fields and the material around it. Sometimes the jets are made up of knots of material and sometimes they are curved.

The paper looks at the environments of the two MHOs. The model that explains them was developed by the authors. They made progress but did not make any conclusions. Their work shows how complex they can be. They can be pleasing to the eye.

The paper will be published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. The lead author is from Argentina.

There are two systems of jets in this study. There is a pair of curved jets. The other is a pair of jets made of clumps of gas that are chained together.

The jets are about 10,000 light-years away in the Ophiuchus region. Astronomers think the source of the jets is a stellar source. The curved shape of the jets is created by interaction between the source and its environment. The jets are curved because they point in different directions over time. The jets change in direction due to the influence of nearby stars.

The sinuous young stellar jet, MHO 2147, meanders lazily across a field of stars in this image captured from Chile by the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF's NOIRLab. The stellar jet is the outflow from a young star that is embedded in an infrared dark cloud. Astronomers suspect its sidewinding appearance is caused by the gravitational attraction of companion stars. These crystal-clear observations were made using the Gemini South telescope’s adaptive optics system, which helps astronomers counteract the blurring effects of atmospheric turbulence. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
The sinuous young stellar jet, MHO 2147, meanders lazily across a field of stars in this image captured from Chile by the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. The stellar jet is the outflow from a young star embedded in an infrared dark cloud. Astronomers suspect the gravitational attraction of companion stars causes its sidewinding appearance. The Gemini South telescope’s adaptive optics system captured these crystal-clear observations. Adaptive optics help astronomers counteract the blurring effects of atmospheric turbulence. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA

Astronomers discovered IRAS 17537 in 2011 and found it to be a young stellar object with about 12 solar mass. There was evidence for a second companion star. The authors think a triple star system could be to blame for the jet's curved appearance.

MHO 2147 contains some interesting features. This 4-image panel shows them. The upper right panel shows the center of the jet where the pale pink areas are nebulae that likely contain massive young stars. The stars are surrounded by accretion disks, which are ejecting material and creating a cavity. Scattered light from the central source is reflecting off the cavity walls in pink. In the other panels, the blue areas are diffuse clouds of molecular hydrogen excited by the collision between the surrounding material and material ejected by individual stars. Gemini Observatory captured these images as part of a Program of NSF's NOIRLab. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
MHO 2147 contains some interesting features. This 4-image panel shows some of them. The upper right panel shows the jet’s center, where the pale pink areas are nebulae that likely contain massive young stars. Accretion disks surround the stars, and the stars are ejecting material and creating a cavity. Scattered light from the central source reflects off the cavity walls in pink. In the other panels, the blue areas are diffuse clouds of molecular hydrogen excited by the collision between the surrounding material and material ejected by individual stars. Gemini Observatory captured these images as part of a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA

M HO 2147 is in a dark cloud. TheIDC is a dense region inside a cloud, and it is opaque at theIR. Astronomers don't know a lot aboutIDCs. Evidence shows they could be the earliest stages of star formation.

The jet named M HO 2148 is in the same region as the jet named M HO 2147. M HO 2148 is not the same as M HO 2147 and might be from a companion star.

This is a composite image of MHO 2147 obtained with GSAOI/GEMINI.MHO 2147 is more continuous than the knotted MHO 1502, but it still has some knotted morphology. The white arrows mark the position of the different knots associated with MHO 2147. There's another adjacent jet in the region designated Ad-jet which isn't part of the same structure. Ad-jet's knots are shown with green arrows. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021
This image shows how complex groups of stellar jets can be. It’s a composite image of MHO 2147 obtained with GSAOI/GEMINI. MHO 2147 is more continuous than the other MHO in this study, the knotted MHO 1502, but it still has some knots. The white arrows mark the position of the different knots associated with MHO 2147. MHO 2148 is from a separate source than MHO 2147 and might come from a companion star. Another adjacent jet in the region designated Ad-jet isn’t part of the same structure. Green arrows point out the Ad-jet’s knots. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021
This image from the study is centred on the driving star that's the source of MHO 2147. The blue and green crosses mark the location of ‘source A’ and a bright source at 24 µm, respectively. There's a lot of uncertainty around MHO 2147's source, but it may be a triple-star system. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021
This image from the study centers on the driving star that’s MHO 2147’s source. The blue and green crosses mark the location of ‘source A’ and a bright source at 24 µm, respectively. There’s a lot of uncertainty around MHO 2147’s source, but it may be a triple-star system. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021

The other jets are not in the same environment. The researchers think the jets are intermittent rather than continuous. The HII region made of ionized atomic hydrogen has a star named M HO 1502. A pair of stars might create the jets, according to the researchers.

This image of the knotted young stellar jet MHO 1502 was also captured by the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF's NOIRLab. The stellar jet is embedded in an area of star formation known as an HII region. A chain of knots makes up this bipolar jet, suggesting that the binary star responsible for it emits material intermittently. The Gemini South telescope captured these crystal clear images using its adaptive optics system, which helps astronomers counteract the blurring effects of atmospheric turbulence. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
The international Gemini Observatory captured this image of the knotted young stellar jet MHO 1502. The stellar jet is embedded in an area of star formation known as an HII region. A chain of knots makes up this bipolar jet, suggesting that the binary star responsible for it emits material intermittently. The Gemini South telescope captured these crystal clear images using its adaptive optics system, which helps astronomers counteract the blurring effects of atmospheric turbulence. Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA

M HO 1502 is in the middle of a cloud. Astronomers discovered it in 2007. Mho 1502's driving source could be a single intermediate-mass star, but it couldn't be ruled out as a multi-star system. The study doesn't reach any conclusions about the presence of a star.

This is a composite image of MHO 1502 obtained with GSAOI/GEMINI. The K-band filter is shown in magenta and the H2-band filter is in green. The yellow arrows indicate H2 emissions adjacent to the MHO 1502 jet. They lie in the visual field and are unlikely to be associated with this jet. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021
This is a composite image of MHO 1502 obtained with GSAOI/GEMINI. The yellow arrows indicate H2 emissions adjacent to the MHO 1502 jet. They lie in the visual field and are unlikely to be associated with this jet. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021
This image from the study shows IRAC 18064, which is MHO 1502’s source. The source could be a single intermediate-mass star, a pair of stars about 240 AU apart, or even a multi-star system. Image Credit: Ferrero et al. 2021

The systems of jets and the sources that drive them are complex and interrelated, but some of the details are still unknown. Is there a single star in these systems? The authors think that the jets wouldn't show clumping or curving.

Astronomers might be able to understand the star-formation process and solar system evolution if they understand Jets like these. Only young stars form jets when they are growing. Learning more about the star-formation process would tell us more about young stars.

The jets were discovered a few years ago. The jets, the clouds, and the star-forming regions they reside in are probably connected in some way, but the study of these objects is still in its infancy. Astronomers have a lot of work to do, and there will be some exciting discoveries along the way.

The last word goes to the authors, who say that the similarity of M HO 2147, the Ad and the M HO 2148 jet to other previously reported jets suggests the existence of a small but interesting group of adjacent and parallel jets. High-angular-resolution and sensitive multi-wavelength data are needed to shed light on the physical relation of M HO 2147, Ad, and M HO 2148.
