Boris Johnson orders inquiry into claims minister was sacked because of her 'Muslimness'

Boris Johnson ordered an investigation into a former minister's claims that she was sacked because of her Muslimness.

Nus Ghani, who was a transport secretary until Johnson's reshuffle in February 2020, told the Sunday Times that she was told by a government whip that her "Muslimness was raised as an issue" by people in 10 Downing Street.
Her Muslim woman minister status made her colleagues feel uncomfortable.

Number 10 said that the matter had been discussed with the prime minister. She did not subsequently start a formal complaint process after Johnson invited her to.

"Johnson wrote to me that he could not get involved and suggested I use the internal Conservative Party complaint process," said the statement issued yesterday afternoon. This was not appropriate for something that happened on government business.

She didn't know if the comments had been made by a member of the party.

The prime minister asked the Cabinet Office to conduct an inquiry into the allegations, according to a Number 10 spokesman.

The prime minister recommended to her that she make a formal complaint after the first allegations were made. She didn't accept the offer.

The prime minister asked officials to establish the facts about what happened. The prime minister takes these claims very seriously.

Johnson spoke with Ghani last night to let her know of his plans.
Conservative colleagues attacked the way in which the complaint has been handled. The implication was that the victim was to blame for not making an official complaint.

"This is insane," said the MP.
Mark Spencer, the chief whip who was under pressure to keep his job, said that the accusations were false and that he considered them to be defamatory.

"It's important we deal with this, and deal with this quickly," said the education secretary.

He defended Johnson's initial response to the allegations, and stressed that the Conservative party was a team.

The Prime Minister spoke to her last night and asked her to present her evidence to the Cabinet Office.

The investigation was ordered just days before Johnson is expected to learn the outcome of a Cabinet Office inquiry into allegations of illegal parties held at Downing Street.
According to the terms of reference, only the "findings" will be made public. Johnson will make a statement to the House of Commons.

He said that it will ensure public confidence.