United Arab Emirates Grounds Recreational Drones in Wake of Deadly Drone Strike

In the wake of last week's deadly attack on a key oil facility outside the nation's capital city of Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates has mandated a hiatus for drone enthusiasts.

If caught flying the devices for recreation within the nation, drone operators will face legal liabilities, according to a statement issued by the interior ministry. Some businesses may be eligible for exemptions if they use drones for filming. Penalties can include up to three years in jail and fines of up to $27,000.

Since Monday, there has been an increase in air restrictions. The strikes blew up several fuel trucks and caused fires in the surrounding area and nearby international airport, killing three people and wounding six others.

Yousef Al-Otaiba said missiles and drones were involved in the incidents.

He said at a virtual conference organized by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America that several attacks targeted civilian sites in the United Arab Emirates.