Bari Weiss: anti-vaxer?

The topic of whether it's time to move past Covid restrictions and get back to normal was discussed by Democratic congressman from New York, Bari Weiss, and Bill Maher on last night's show. Weiss and Maher seem to say yes.
Bari Weiss says that she has had it with Covid and that it is time to end it. She is arguing that the response to the disease has been worse than the disease itself. Have hundreds of thousands of Americans committed suicide from Covid-caused depression? No, look at the data from StatNews.

People who said that suicide rates may decline during the Pandemic were either dismissed or criticized. The data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that for the entire year of 2020, many communities saw their highest rates of Covid-related deaths, and economic uncertainty was at its peak.

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center says that more data should be analyzed when it comes in.

The data on the efficacy of masks can be seen at the CDC website, which gives data and doesn't just say "wear masks".

She says that we shouldn't have done anything about the epidemic. We might have had 2 million deaths, but that is just damage.

The people in the hospital with Covid are unvaccinated. How can you say that vaccines don't work when they're still dying? The efficacy of the vaccine was confirmed in the original clinical trials. As reader Paul wrote.

Bari Weiss seems to have joined the other side. She and Bill believe that the vaccine doesn't help them avoid catching and passing on the disease because it only protects the recipient against hospitalization and death. Weiss seems to be positioning herself as a media personality rather than a writer.

If she isn't an anti-vaxer already, she's come perilously close.

Weiss has not stayed in her ideological position while the left has moved further left. She appears to be moving to the right. I wouldn't be surprised if she became a Republican. I was very discouraged by what she had to say in this short segment.

Weiss owes America a clarification of what she means when she says it is time to end it. End what?