Tucker Carlson Widely Mocked After Criticizing ‘Less Sexy’ M&Ms

Tucker Carlson has strong opinions about M&Ms.

The images are from the same company.

Tucker Carlson is known for his unusual pop culture rants, which often focus on inclusive marketing campaigns, framing corporate "wokeness" as a symbol of societal decline.

Carlson tackled important issues such as Elmo's opinions on BLM, and the cancellation of Dr. Seuss' books, which continue to be popular. Carlson was triggered by a redesign of the M&M cartoon characters.

The M&Ms are set to shift their focus, for some reason, reflecting a new era of diversity and inclusiveness, and the focus on Orange M&Ms was a particularly popular joke.

The Fox News host seemed upset by the change in the two female M&Ms, as the green M&M has swapped her knee-high boots for comfy trainers, while the brown M&M has shortened the height.

Carlson said that the chocolate-coated characters were less sexy. Carlson made some odd assumptions about the motive of M&M's marketing team.

M&M's will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is completely androgynous. You wouldn't want to have a drink with any of them. That is the goal.

Carlson didn't specify which M&M he'd like to share a drink with, instead going on to sympathize with Orange M&M's anxiety.

Maybe he doesn't like the new shoes he sees.

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The man's dislike for "androgynous" peanut candy in kitten heels didn't escape the attention of the users, who gleefully took the opportunity to mock the man's unusual tastes.
To be fair to Carlson, the charisma, charm, and sexual magnetism of the green M&M has long been observed by the horniest inhabitants of the internet, in the form of a meme that reimagines Green as a domineering gaming character.

Carlson's reaction to her new shoes was far stranger than the "sexy Green M&M" meme.