Rudy Giuliani and other Trump campaign officials oversaw the fake pro-Trump elector scheme, CNN reports

CNN and The Washington Post reported Thursday that former President Donald Trump's campaign officials coordinated a plan to put forward illegitimate pro-Trump electors in December 2020.

The report shows how the Trump campaign tried to overturn the victory of President Joe Biden.

In March of 2021, American Oversight obtained seven fake certificates of pro-Trump electors in seven battleground states in an attempt to make it appear that Trump won the majority of votes.

The fake electoral certificates were assembled by groups of Trump supporters in seven states in an unsuccessful attempt to replace the legitimate electors who had been chosen by voters.

The watchdog group said in a report that there was no indication that the certificates listed illegitimate slates of electors.

In the popular vote, Biden got 81.2 million more votes than Trump.

The extent of the Trump campaign's involvement in the scheme was revealed to CNN by three sources.

A former Trump campaign staffer told CNN that it was Rudy and the misfit characters who started calling the shots. The campaign threw shit at the wall to see what would stick.

A source told CNN that Giuliani was involved in at least one of the calls.

According to the CNN report, the source said the Trump campaign lined up supporters to fill slots in the electoral college, secured meeting rooms in statehouses for the fake electors to meet, and sent drafts of fake certificates to the National Archives.

The Post reported that an anchor with One America News helped Giuliani at times. The representative for OANN did not reply immediately.

According to a CNN report, the co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party was one of the fake electors.

According to a recording obtained by CNN, Maddock said at a public event last week that they fought to seat the electors. The Trump campaign asked us to do that.

The representatives from the Michigan Republican Party did not reply immediately.

The House select committee investigating January 6 issued a subpoena to Giuliani, as well as other people, in their investigation into the insurrection.

The four lawyers were in contact with the former President about attempts to stop the counting of electoral votes, according to a statement from the chairman of the bipartisan panel.

Attorneys for Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani were not available for comment.