The Batman Movie Is Waaaaaaaaaaay Too Long

The movie runs two hours and 55 minutes and only eight of them are the closing credits, according to The Hollywood Reporter. It is the longest Batman movie of all time, more than 30 minutes longer than the previous movie, and less than the movie that was supposed to be the final chapter. All for a movie starring Batman, Catwoman, Riddler, and the Penguin.

It is possible that every single moment of The Batman will be a non-stop thrill ride from start to finish and unmistakeably necessary to tell its story, because director Reeves knocked the latter two installments of the modern Planet of the Apes trilogy out of the park. Probably not. The bloated runtimes of many modern blockbusters are a result of the studios confusing quantity with quality. It doesn't mean that a movie has a story complex enough or interesting enough to justify its length. The day-and-date digital releases of movies have been one of the silver linings of the Pandemic, where they can be watched in manageable chucks, or at least paused so you can run to the bathroom without missing anything. When many critics are sent to review films that are 90 or 105 minutes long, they get excited.

I will be happy to eat my words when The Batman comes out on March 4. When this news broke, many critics didn't feel excited about having so much more Batman content to watch.

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