A Mass Extinction Has Already Started, Scientists Say

According to scientists, mass extinction events have ravaged life on Earth at least five times over the last 450 million years or so.

An international team of researchers warn in a new article that the sixth mass extinction has begun on land and in freshwater.

They said that denying it was simply flying in the face of the mountain of data that is rapidly accumulating.

Losing your life.

The team led by Robert Cowie, a research professor at the University of Hawaii, argues that the Red List of Threatened Species is too focused on the loss of bird and mammal species.

The Red List is the world's most comprehensive inventory of species and their extinction risk. It has been used to argue that we are not facing a sixth mass extinction event.

Cowie told Vice that the information on the extinction of birds and mammals is accurate. 95 percent of animal diversity is comprised of insects and snails and spiders and crustaceans.

Life on Earth is facing a sobering dilemma.

Cowie told the Vice that we need to preserve as many of these species as possible in museums in the meantime.

Scientists think that the sixth mass extinction has probably started.

MIT scientist says we are on the verge of a mass extinction event.

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