Turkey officially changed its name. These 5 countries recently did the same.

Next time you see a list of nations, look at the Ts. Turkey is no longer there. Trkiye could be in its place. The president of Turkey announced last month that the country would register its Turkish spelling with the United Nations.

The phrase Trkiye represents and expresses the culture, civilization, and values of the nation in the best way, according to Erdoan.

Trkiye is one of many countries that have changed their names. A sense of national pride was the reason for the change. Some had political or social motives. Over the past decade, at least five other nations have changed their names. Six countries have changed their names recently.

1. The Netherlands is a country.

Holland and the Netherlands used to be seen as different. Not anymore. The nickname Holland was dropped by the Dutch government in 2020 in order to distance the country from its reputation as a European Sin City.

Holland only referred to a specific region of the Netherlands, the joint provinces of Noord (North) and Zuid (South) Holland. The Dutch government, businesses leaders, and tourism board have pledged to stop referring to the country as anything but the Netherlands.

The tourism logo used to feature an orange tulip, but has since been replaced with the word Holland.

2. North Macedonia.

The photo is MehmetO.

The Republic of North Macedonia became the Republic of Macedonia in 2019. Tensions with Greece were alleviated by the new name of Macedonia.

The nation chose its previous name after declaring independence from Yugoslavia. The switch to appease Greece was a way to get North Macedonia to join the NATO military alliance, a campaign that Greece had blocked. After the name change came into effect, North Macedonia joined NATO in March 2020, two years after the two nations settled their dispute.

3. Eswatini.

The photo is from mbrand85.

The Kingdom of Swaziland changed its name to Eswatini. During a celebration of the nation's 50th anniversary of independence from Britain, the last absolute monarch in Africa announced the news. Eswatini means "land of the Swazis."

4. Czechia.

The UN officially recognized the Czech Republic as Czechia in 2016 but the new name hasn't caught on. When the Czech Prime Minister had to be informed of the name change midway through an interview in 2020, he needed a reminder.

I did not know this. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Babi said that he didn't like the idea of Czechia and Chechnya being lumped together. He told the newspaper that they are from the Czech Republic. We are Czechs. I don't know who came with that stupid idea. It's crazy.

The president of the Czech Republic disagreed. The catchier name is meant to be pronounced with a hard "k" sound in the center. The debate over what to call the Central European nation has been going on since 1992, when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent.

The jury is still out on whether or not Czech citizens and the global community will support the new name of the country, Czechia.

5. Cabo Verde.

Cabo Verde used to be called Cape Verde. The UN registered the name of the West African island in full Portuguese in order to honor the nation's official language. The Portuguese word for green was kept as the Portuguese word for "verde" in the previous name. Cabo Verde changed its name to the Republic of Cabo Verde, which is different from other countries that change their names.