What is normal blood sugar?

The main source of energy in the body is blood sugar. The majority of the food we eat is rich in sugars such as potatoes, rice and bread. The absorption and storage of sugar is regulated by our stomach processes.
What constitutes normal bloodglucose depends on a number of factors, including age, any underlying medical conditions, and the medications they take.

Before and after meals have normal blood sugar.

The normal range for a person's blood sugar is between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter, according to the World Health Organization.

Most people see a rise in their blood sugar after eating. The normal blood-sugar range two hours after eating is less than 140 milligrams per deciliter, according to the American Diabetes Association. A study done in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology found that people with no prediabetes or diabetes have lower blood sugar than the guidelines suggest.
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Blood-sugar levels before and after meals are normal and reflect the way the body stores and processes sugar. After eating, the stomach breaks down the food into smaller parts and releases the sugars into the bloodstream.
A person with type 1 diabetes can't produce enoughinsulin because the pancreas's beta cells are killed off. The key to allowing sugar to leave the bloodstream and enter your cells is called Insulin. The sugars build up in the blood and can't get into your cells if you don't haveinsulin. The image is from ttsz.

The pancreas releases the hormone in order to get the blood sugar into the cells.
Our bodies are designed to keep the blood sugar levels constant, so after all the energy is used, any leftover blood sugar is stored in the body as a compound called glycogen, which can be used as a backup source of energy.

The body can produce its own sugar from non-carbohydrate sources if there isn't enough to maintain normal blood-sugar levels. During intense exercise or starvation, this process occurs most often.

There's a good reason for our bodies to keep up this dance with the blood sugar, it can lead to serious health problems.
Hyperglycemia can cause the destruction of nerves, lowered resistance to infections, and heart and kidney disease.
Hypoglycemia can affect brain function, causing fatigue, dizziness, and even death, if there isn't enough blood sugar in the blood.
People with diabetes have blood sugar targets.

A device called a continuous glucose monitor is worn by people with diabetes. A woman is using a mobile device to look at a monitor. The image was taken by martin-dm.

In people with diabetes, blood sugar levels are too high because the individual isn't making anyinsulin or using it efficiently. Fuel can't enter cells because of elevated blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar targets for diabetes patients are based on how long the person has had the disease, their age, and other underlying medical conditions.
The ADA says that for most non-pregnant adults with diabetes, the target range is between 80 and 130. The ADA suggests that the after-meal goal should be less than 180 IU/dl for the same subset of patients.
Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular physical activity can help people with type 2 diabetes maintain normal blood sugar levels.

ADA guidelines are lower for pregnant women who have pre-existing diabetes. They suggest that the after-meal goal should be less than 120 calories, and that the fasting goal should be less than 95 calories.

What is a normal A1C?

The image is from Shutterstock.

A person's A1C is a measure of their average blood sugar levels over the previous 2 or 3 months, and it is measured through a blood test. If your A1C is over 6.4%, you would be diagnosed with diabetes, according to the CDC.

The A1C test is a measure of the percent of your red blood cells that have sugar attached to them. The red blood cells of your body are home to the hemoglobin molecule that gets stuck to theglucose that enters your bloodstream. The higher your A1C is, the more your blood's hemoglobin will be "sugar-coated", according to the CDC. For people with type 1 or 2 diabetes, the number can give you and your doctors a sense of how well your sugars are being controlled.
The ADA recommends that most adults with diabetes should keep their A1C below 7% to reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications; the goal is the same for many children with diabetes.
A1C numbers have been correlated with a reduced risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease, kidney disease and vision problems.
The article is only for informational purposes, and not for medical advice.
The article was updated on January 19, 2022.

There are additional resources.

Harvard Health explains how high blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes and heart disease.
The Cleveland Clinic has an explainer about the risk of high sugar levels in pregnant women.
The dangers of low blood sugar are explained in this explainer.
Adam Brown is the creator of the column and nonprofit called diaTribe, and he has a book called "Bright Spots & Landmines: The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone had Handed Me." There are tips and strategies from the author who was diagnosed with T1D in 2001. If you focus on the problems and mistakes of managing the disease, you will miss out on the bigger opportunities.
If your child has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, this book can help you navigate certain situations and life changes during an overwhelming time. "The Type 1 Life: A Road Map for Parents of Children with Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes" is a book written and published by Jessica Freeman, who has had type 1 diabetes.

There is a bibliography.

The American Diabetes Association has a big picture about checking your blood sugar.

Mean blood sugar. The World Health Organization has anindicator-metadata-registry.
The Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology has an article titled "Continuous Glucose Profiles in healthy subjects under everyday life conditions and after different meals".
There are standards of medical care in diabetes. There is an article about management of diabetes in pregnant women.
"Diabetes tests." Getting-tested.html is a part of the CDC.
"Understanding A1C." The ADA is at www.diabetes.org/a1c.

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes for Older Adults There are standards of medical care for older adults.

A1C test. There are tests at the Mayo Clinic.

It was originally published on Live Science.