Denzel Washington is surprised by the 91-year-old grandmother from that viral Chicago video

Do you have a gift for Denzel Washington when he is on your show? The guy has an Oscar, a Tony, three Golden Globes, and was friends with Sidney Poitier. Washington told Jimmy Kimmel on Monday that he heard Sidney Poitier curse. If the Academy wanted to give another Best Actor Oscar to Denzel, that would be right. We don't need to get into the whole Malcolm X/Scent Of A Woman debacle again, but Washington should have two Best Actor Oscars already.

When his illustrious guest wanted a thank-you gift that would be hard to find on the internet, Kimmel dug into the depths of the internet and came up with something lovely. Washington was surprised by a remote appearance by the real star of the video, the 87-year-old Juanita Hubbard. In the video, Hubbard is shown saying happily, "I'm not gonna let him go!" after the actor chilled out with a crowd of equally happy neighbors on her stoop.

Washington, who became the object of boisterous adulation in the Chicago neighborhood when he was a child, was shown in the clip telling Theo, a young boy, what was up. They will tell you who I am one day. Hubbard was the one who name-dropped Jimmy in the years-old clip, and nobody had to tell him. On Monday, Washington was happy to see Hubbard again, as the Chicagoan appeared on the screen and said that she wore the same floral blouse so that she would remember who she was.

As if anyone could not remember. The spry old lady happily regaled national TV with the tale of how she had been waiting on a new fridge when her daughter claimed that the actor was looking for them. "I don't know how he got up on the porch, it's like an angel just flew up," said Hubbard. Washington caught some shade from Hubbard, who said that he never heard from him since then.

Shame on you. Leon's BBQ, the Chicago eatery Washington had been looking for on that fateful day, which had closed down at the time, reopened thanks to the viral fame of Washington and Hubbard's first meeting. As for Hubbard, she promised to watch both The Tragedy Of Macbeth and A Journal For Jordan as soon as she gets around to it.