Elon Musk Warns There Soon Won’t Be Enough People Left to Populate Mars

For years, Musk has warned that humanity is headed towards a catastrophe due to collapsing global fertility rates.

Musk said that we should be more worried about population collapse.

His plans to create a city on Mars could be affected by that.

He said there wouldn't be enough people for Mars if there weren't enough people for Earth.

Not enough babies.

In 2020, experts warned of a decline in the number of babies being born. Populations could be contracting by the year 2200, according to the report.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has only served to accelerate the trend, despite some initially predicting a baby boom.

Musk believes that this is the number one threat that humanity is facing in the 21st century.

He said at The Wall Street Journal's CEO Council last year that the low birthrate was one of the biggest risks to civilization. Many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and that the population is growing out of control.

If people don't have more children, civilization is going to collapse, Musk warned at the event.

The billionaire CEO wants to build a sustainable city of one million people on Mars, and he is sending 1,000 spaceships to do it.

Musk is worried that his plan for the survival of our species may never be realized because fewer future Mars residents are being born back on Earth.

Civilization is going to fall unless people have more children, says Musk.

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