The US’s free COVID test website has more visitors than all other .gov sites combined

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The site is handling traffic.

The USPS has an image.

According to the government's own website, the site to claim free COVID tests is drawing in more visitors than any other government page.

When I ran the report to download real-time numbers for all governmental pages, had over 650,000 visitors. The visitor counts for the other pages in the report were over 400,000. Since then, traffic hasn't dropped.

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The page had over 705,000 visitors at times.

The site wouldn't be able to handle the load since it was announced. It seems to be handling the rush so far, though it is always possible we could see a bigger wave of visitors tomorrow, the day the general public was told it would go live.

Things have not been perfect. Several people have reported that living in an apartment building can cause issues, with some residents receiving an error message that tests had already been ordered for their address. It is hard to tell how widespread the issue is, and there have been conflicting reports on how to solve it.

500 million tests will be sent out with a limit of four per household. You can read our guide on how to order yours here.