The Pixel 6 isn't a problem for everyone, according to our latest poll

Ara Wagoner is from the Android Central.

Readers were asked if they experienced problems with their phone.
Almost 70% of people say that the Pixel 6 has worked well before the update.
Problems that arose from the December update are addressed in the January update.

It's fun to complain about the software bugs in the phones, but the experience has not been the same for everyone. Users were asked if they were having problems with their phones.

Almost 70% of the responses stated that the devices have been working well. Some of the best phones on the market are still considered to be by some of the staff at Android Central. Nearly 30% of users of the two devices wouldn't agree, indicating that they have been having problems.

The source of the information is the Android Central.

Gordon says they haven't had any problems with their device after installing the December update that many owners never received.

One reader, chefdave12118, wishes they could go back to their phone, because they haven't been as lucky.

Many users seem to have received the January update already, and so far, it appears to have addressed many of the problems. It's only been a couple of days since it started, so we'll be looking at how our units fare.

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