Man's Penis Fills With Foam After DIY Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Goes Wrong

A man and his partner tried to get a treatment for ED, but it went disastrously wrong. The case report details how his partner accidentally shot insulation foam into the man's penis and bladder while a straw was inserted into his urethra. He began to urinate blood. Doctors were able to remove the hardened foam, but the man will need more procedures to repair his urethra.

The unfortunate tale was published in the November issue of Urology Case Reports, but it only received media attention this week. The man had been putting various objects into his urethra for a while as an aid for ED. He and his partner had decided to use a straw attached to a can of spray, when the partner accidentally pressed the button. The foam shot through his urethra. The man had difficulty urinating and urinating blood when he went to the emergency room after waiting three weeks.

Urethral stricture disease is caused by objects being inserted into the penis, and can lead to narrowing of the urethra. In this case, the spray foam was placed along his penis because of his narrowed urethra. Doctors were able to remove the foam from his bladder, but they couldn't remove the rest of his penis because of his condition. They had to cut him open through his perineum.

The surgery went off without a hitch and there were no major problems three weeks later. A suprapubic catheter is a tube that is inserted into the bladder outside of the urethra so that he can urinate. The man is still having his catheter maintained in anticipation of a urethral repair.