Trump superfans dream of a run again, and of JFK Jr. on the ticket

Kallatsa shouldn't have been worried about sounding conspiratorial. He was not the only one who believed JFK Jr. is still alive and that he is a secret Trump supporter. The attendee wore a red shirt with the faces of Trump, Kennedy and Kennedy Jr. The man who organized the event in Dallas last year was spotted in the stands.

There were people wearing hats that read "Trump Won" and buttons with "Q". Jim and Ron Watkins, two figures from fringe online groups, shared their visit to the rally with their online followers. Ali Alexander, who helped organize the "Stop the Steal" rally, was given priority access to the event.

In his speech, Rep. Paul Gosar invoked the phrase "storm coming", which is a phrase used by Qanon. Mark Finchem, who is running to be Arizona's secretary of state, has been linked to a network of elected officials involved in pedophilia. Both have been endorsed by Trump.

During the Obama years, Trump promoted birtherism and had one foot in the camp of conspiracists on the right. He has continued to amplify the views of this world and solidify it as the base of the Republican Party after being ousted from power. Figures who used to be invisible to the internet and the fringes of the party have been welcomed with open arms at Trump rallies and have found some of their theories shared by the former president himself.

On stage Saturday night, Trump suggested that some of the people who attacked the U.S. Capitol in January were FBI agents.

How many of those present at the Capitol complex on January 6 were FBI confidential informants agents or other employees of the United States government? Trump said people want to hear it.

The congressional committee investigating the capital attacks had interviewed the man who was central to the theory that the FBI was involved in the riots. The select committee said that he had told investigators that he was not employed by, working with or acting at the direction of any law enforcement agency, and that he had never been an F.B.I. Informant.

The former president went on to suggest that Epps was a part of a false flag. One guy, go in, get in there everybody. Trump declared that he was an espp.

It was one of several lines from Trump in which he asked his followers to ignore the evidence. He continued to argue that his election loss was the result of an elaborate effort to cheat by Democrats.

Why aren't they investigating the election that was rigged? The crowd jumped to its feet when Trump spoke. There is a lot of evidence that shows exactly what I am talking about.

The president said he would address dishonesty from Democrats and the media surrounding the Capitol riots, as well as his false claim that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blocked the National Guard from going to the Capitol to stop the riots. The comments drew applause from followers.

Cece Fager of Mesa, Ariz., said that the guy that killed Ashli Babbitt should be the focus of the discussion. It is a cover-up. It is sad that our country is so divided.

Thousands of people came out on a cold, windy night to see and hear the former president at the desert fair. His supporters wore red, white and blue and danced to his music while taking selfies with one another and high-fived strangers as they walked past.

As the warm-up acts and Trump spoke, they joined together in chorus to chant "Let's Go Brandon", a popular GOP slogan that gives the middle finger to Biden, and "Lock him up", aimed at Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert turned conservative enemy.

Few masks were worn. There wasn't much concern played to the Pandemic ripping through the country, as Trump did not encourage followers to get Covid booster shots, as he had done in recent appearances, but instead railed against vaccine mandates. They were happy to be in a crowd of like-minded people, but also angry at the media for their portrayal of the Jan. 6 riots. Some of them had been there.

Diane Meade, from La Verne, Calif., traveled to Florence on Saturday night because she believes the 2020 election was stolen and wants to be on the right side of history. She said that she was at the Capitol on the day of the riot.

People think I'm associated with a terrorist group. She said she did not enter the Capitol. I went to protest peacefully. The people I met are very fond of our country.

The exuberance of the festivities had become angry as the rally came to a close. Terry was waiting on the tailgate of the truck. His friends said the rally was great. As he explained, the Democrats pulled all the corruption. He said that the election was stolen. Trump was taken advantage of.

He said it was all a bunch of bullshit.