A surgeon apologized for posting pictures from a patient's procedure to plug a historic day for her sorority.
Dr. Nicole E. Williams ruffled a lot of feathers by sharing photos and info about the surgery she performed on a patient who's a member of another sorority. Alpha Kappa Alpha is a group of women. The photos show the fibroids on a table next to Dr. Williams who was making a hand signal to Delta.
The good doc thought she'd show some pride, but it backfired as she faced swift online backlash.
The original post has been deleted by Dr. Williams. A terrible decision was made. I apologize for any hurt I may have caused.
A lot of the outrage came from people who felt that she was violating a patient's privacy to promote her organization.
She pointed out in the original post that the 22 members who founded DST had left Alpha Kappa Alpha.
When it comes to repping yours, it's a serious matter because both organizations are part of the historically Black fraternities and sororities. Doc Williams thinks so.