Can NFTs be art? Wikipedia isn’t sure — and crypto bros are terrified

NFT art has exploded in popularity, but it faces an uncertain future on the internet.

The online encyclopedia's editors voted against categorizing non-fungible token as art. The result caused fury in the community.

The discussion about the most expensive artworks by living artists led to the poll.

The editors debated if NFTs such as The Merge and Beeple should join the list. The majority of editors voted against their inclusion.

The result isn't binding and involves a single Wikipedia page, but the vote has caused concern among NFT advocates.

The situation was described by Duncan Cock Foster as an art emergency.

He warned that the decision could affect the legitimacy of digital artists.

It works off of precedent. If NFTs are classified as not art on this page, they will be classified as not art on the rest of the encyclopedia. For many around the world, the encyclopedia is the best source of truth. The stakes are high.

Art Emergency!
There is a debate happening on the internet that could lead to the classification of NFTs as not art on the internet.
There is a global source of truth. It would be a disaster if NFTs were categorized as not art.
Duncan Cock Foster is on January 12, 2022.

The debate shows the confusion surrounding artworks.

Digital artists think of NFTs as a medium for making and selling art, but critics think of them as financial instruments.

Beeple and pak are artists according to the editors of the encyclopedia. Some argued that buying an NFT of an artwork isn't the same as buying the artwork itself.

There is an issue with the mechanisms of selling NFTs.

The sales of NFTs aren't comparable to other artwork sales to be on the list.

They pointed out that there were doubts about the record sale. Critics questioned the claim that it was the largest-ever art sale by a living creator, as the piece could be classified as a series of artworks.

Beeple's Everydays would retain its place, albeit with a note about the suspicions around the sale, thanks to a new proposal from an editor. The Merge would not be included in the list.

The Nifty Gateway press release states that it should be considered a singular artwork sale. It is not enough to qualify the item for inclusion.

It does leave the door open for a potential inclusion, but it is not likely to impress Nifty Gateway.

The discussions have exposed the skepticism around the NFT art world, even though they still require a consensus supported by the policy of Wikipedia.