NFL Sr. VP of Officiating: Controversial Raiders vs. Bengals Whistle Was After Catch


January 16, 2022, is the yearTimothy Rapp will write a column.

milee Chinn

According to the senior vice president of officiating Walt Anderson, the crew believed that the whistle came after the wideout had made the catch.
The play in question has a whistle heard while Joe Burrow's pass is still in the air.

The play should have been stopped when the whistle sounded.

Aditi Kinkhabwala wrote a letter to AKinkhabwala.
The ball should've been dead immediately and the down replayed after an accidental whistle was blown by the refs. It was a bad day for theBengals and theRaiders.

It became a talking point in Cincinnati's win.

If the officials had ruled the play dead, it would have been a tough break for the Bengal's because of the timing of the whistle. No matter what the justification was, the crew got this one wrong.
It was not the only call that the crew of Boger appeared to get wrong during the game.

Albert Breer is a friend of mine.
The responses to this message have been very fast and furious.
One of the people from the NFC said that the only assignment that would be good for the player would be the Pro Bowl.

Kevin Clark replied.
The newscycle is getting the inadvertant whistle out of the news by the mistake of the man. I'm sorry you guys can't appreciate it, but it's called 4D chess.

Will Brinson is a friend of mine.
The Raiders were hosed by the letter of the law, but it would have been worse if the whistle had been unnecessary and the touchdown had been taken away.
The league won't fix it because refs do it every single game.

Paul Kuharsky is a football player.
That tells us everything about the refs in the playoffs.

It's possible that the addition of camera angles and high-definition replays has made gaffes more obvious to the average viewer. Poor officiating has felt like a weekly storyline in the NFL this season.
The league had an "officiating crisis" on its hands this season, according to multiple people directly involved with the league.

One of the criticisms of the NFL's approach to reffing is that they are just part-time employees. Wouldn't full-time officials have more time to improve?

The timing of a whistle during a game is one of the rules that aren't reviewable. If you have instant replay, why not make everything reviewable?

Missed calls will always happen. Even the best officials are going to miss flags or see things differently because of the fast pace of the game. Many of the complaints Saturday and throughout the season are related to the NFL not having better mechanisms in place to ensure games are refs at the highest possible level.