Amazing: Emirates Burj Khalifa Stunt With A380 Fly-By

This one is even more impressive than the one that went viral several months ago.

A380 flies by as a stuntwoman climbs Burj Khalifa.

In August of 2021, a video depicting a woman in a uniform standing on top of the Burj Khalifa went viral. I thought the ad was a green screen stunt. Holding signs in front of a screen is not impressive.

When it came out that it was real, my jaw dropped. The initial stunt is shown below.

The first stunt was so popular that it was done again. The stuntwoman, Nicole Smith-Ludvik, climbed to the top of the Burj Khalifa again. She was holding up signs while the A380 flew by. The old A380 that was used in the livery was not just any old one, it was an A380 with a picture of her on the side. It is amazing.

Smith-Ludvik is holding up signs in the ad that is intended to promote expo 2020.

I am still here!
Wow! I can attend the expo.
Finally, here come my friends.
The A380 is the icon of the airline.
To the world's greatest show.

How is this possible?

There is not yet a behind the scenes look for the next stunt, but a video for the previous stunt was released by the airline, showing how Smith-Ludvik got to the top of the building. Here is how it worked last time.

After taking the elevator to the 160th floor, the crew had to climb a staircase for an hour to get to the top.
Someone went up there with Smith-Ludvik to help her get there.
While up there, there was a pole behind her and her uniform fell into that.

I am curious about how close the A380 actually flew to the Burj Khalifa. It looks close, but I think it is an optical illusion. I wonder how far the A380 would have to go to not create any wake or gusts for someone standing on top of the building. The wind level doesn't seem to increase much as the A380 flies by.

I believe there are three A380s in this livery. I know the first one has a registration code, but I don't think the plane that was used for this stunt operated any flights.

Is anyone aware of the registration codes of the other two planes? To simplify what I am looking for even further, bonus points to anyone who can find the path, when it was operated, etc.

The bottom line.

A stuntwoman stood on top of the world's tallest building. This time, there is no shock factor, but the added feature is that an A380 flew by while this happened.

What do you think about the stunt?