Strong evidence shows Sixth Mass Extinction of global biodiversity in progress

The land snails from Rurutu were extinct before they were collected and described. O. Gargominy and A. Sartori were credited.

Mass extinction caused by natural phenomena has marked the history of life on Earth five times. Many experts warn that a sixth mass extinction crisis is underway because of human activities.

A comprehensive assessment of evidence of the ongoing extinction event was published in the journal Biological Reviews by biologists from the University of Hawai'i at Mnoa.

Robert Cowie is the lead author of the study and research professor at the UH Mnoa Pacific Biosciences Research Center. The denial is based on a biased view of the crisis, which ignores the majority of biodiversity, and focuses on mammals and birds.

Cowie and co-authors estimated that Earth could have lost between 7.5 and 13% of the two million known species since the year 1500.

Cowie said that it was important to include invertebrates in order to confirm that we are witnessing the start of the Sixth Extinction Mass in Earth's history.

There is a Native Hawaiian snail habitat on Maui. Credit: Robert Cowie.

The situation is not the same everywhere. There is no evidence that the crisis in the oceans is the same as in the land. The Hawaiian Islands are more affected on land than continental species. The rate of extinction of plants is lower than that of animals.

The new study points out that some people deny that the Sixth Extinction has begun, as well as the fact that science denial is taking a foothold in modern society. Humans are just another species playing their natural role in Earth's history, as others accept it as a new and natural evolutionary trajectory. Some people think that the benefit of humanity should be the sole reason for altering the environment.

Cowie said that humans are the only species capable of manipulating the biosphere on a large scale. We are evolving in the face of external influences. We are the only species that has a choice about our future.

Various initiatives have been successful in fighting the crisis. The initiatives can't reverse the trend of species extinction. To cultivate a wonder for nature, and to document the diversity of the world's flora and fauna is essential.

"Despite the rhetoric about the gravity of the crisis, and although the solutions are brought to the attention of decision-makers, it is clear that political will is lacking," said Cowie. It's a violation of humanity's common responsibility to deny the crisis, accept it without reacting, or even encourage it.

Robert H. Cowie and his co-authors wrote The Sixth Mass Extinction: fact, fiction or speculation? There is a book titled "10.1111/brv.12816".

The journal has information about Biological Reviews.

There is strong evidence that the sixth mass extinction of global biodiversity is happening.

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