John and Jeff got a piece of their friend's car when they traveled through L.A. to pick it up. We don't mean Bob's car.
The singer and comedian shared that they were going to pick up the car that Bob had left at the airport when he flew out of town.
In the video, they reveal how much they had to pay to get the car out of the parking structure, but Jeff stepped up to cover the tab, and John explained it was all about getting the receipt.
Jeff wants to keep it as a memory of Bob. John said it's a way to keep his hand on Bob's shoulder now that they'll never see each other again.
It was.
The story was broken by TMZ. Bob was found dead in a hotel room on Sunday.
Jeff had a few jokes during the ride to lighten the mood of his friends who are still reeling from the loss.
John shared his theories on why people loved Bob so much, and why his death is creating such a wave of emotion for so many friends and fans.