American Airlines Flight Attendants Are Selling Their Job Duties To Other Employees

Unionized flight attendants at airlines who follow union work rules get to work the most desirable trips. Senior flight attendants at large international airlines can travel to Australia, Buenos Aires, to Paris, while junior flight attendants can stay in Des Moines. Longer trips are more exotic. They pay more in a short amount of time, have longer layovers, and may stay at better hotels.

Flight Attendants sell the same thing since assigned trips are property right.

American Airlines flight attendants are known to rent out their time. They bid for trips they don't want to fly, and then sell the opportunity to work those trips to junior colleagues. In the past, the average going rate was $200.

Four years ago, American said they were going to crack down on the practice. Most of the time it continues among US Airways flight attendants.

United Airlines flight attendants have done the same thing before. Flight attendants were threatened with being fired for selling trips.

The practice of flight attendants continues.

In an update to crew based in Philadelphia this past week, the American Airlines flight attendants union reported that the practice of carts among their members continues, despite the fact that legacy US Airways flight attendants are more likely to use carts than legacy American Airlines crew.

We were told that this is an issue across the system and that it is worse at some bases than others. Flight Service in several bases is addressing an issue that is being discussed at a very high level. Sam stated that they are investigating reports that were sent to management.

Flight attendants who bid for a trip and are assigned that trip have a property in the trip. They are not supposed to use their seniority to gain desirable trips and then sell them, they are supposed to fly the trips themselves and trade only when scheduling presents a problem. They only get a partial property and there isn't supposed to be a secondary market.

The union is telling cabin crew not to do it.

Flight attendants are concerned about illegal trip trades and drops. The abuse has become more evident with the elimination of premium trips.
The systems were not designed to encourage any type of trip brokering. Some people still share passwords to Crew Portal and Jetnet, which is a violation of our work and conduct rules.
Management made it clear that this activity is not allowed. If you are trading or dropping trips outside of the intended means of our scheduling systems, you will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
For those of you that are frustrated with the lack of oversight accompanying this behavior and have been sharing your frustration with your APFA Leadership, we hear you.

The union is applauding those who ratted out their colleagues, even though it could get them fired. Many of you have exercised tremendous restraint in reporting these abuses because you respect and value the core tenets of unionism.

Trips are assigned as a property based on seniority.

A trip to a desirable destination that is paid for by the airline is given to one group of workers that are more valued by others. Both parties benefit from the exchange when the secondary market develops. Those who are not in the exchange are not as happy as those who are.

Airlines and their unions are fighting a symptom of a broken duty assignment system that gives trips to flight attendants who don't want to work them simply because they've been at the airline longer, and assigns trips to flight attendants less suited to the customer service roles as well.

Unionized flight attendants at airlines who follow union work rules get to work the most desirable trips. Senior flight attendants at large international airlines can travel to Australia, Buenos Aires, to Paris, and more junior flight attendants can stay overnight in Paris.

March 26, 2019.


Unionized flight attendants get to work the most desirable trips based on their seniority. Senior flight attendants at large international airlines can travel to Australia, Buenos Aires, to Paris, and more junior flight attendants can stay overnight in Paris.

April 30,


US Airways was notorious for bad labor relations when it was run by American Airlines. They never got a single pilot contract for the pilots of America West and US Airways. They sat back and benefited from the lower wages of the two pilots groups.

April 7, 2020.
