New Study Shows Americans Comfortable Traveling Among COVID Variants

A survey from the healthcare industry shows Americans' attitudes towards travel.

New data shows that one in three Americans is willing to take the number of infections in stride and continue to travel, shop, dine and more.


According to research from HealthCareInsider, 34 percent of Americans say they are already comfortable traveling, 61 percent are comfortable shopping, and 52 percent are fine with drinking and dining indoors.

According to a survey, travel is the most common life event put off by the Pandemic. People are tired of waiting to see their family and friends.

Older generations are more comfortable with travel than younger generations. Thirty-two percent of Boomers/Gen-X are already comfortable traveling, compared to 26 percent of Gen-Z/Millennials.

20 percent of those surveyed don't think they will be comfortable traveling until later in the century.

Thirteen percent of people think they will be comfortable traveling by the spring of 2022, while 18 percent think they will travel again in the summer of next year.

One in five people think they won't be comfortable traveling until later in the century. Few Americans say they will never travel again.

Travel is the most popular answer when asked what they are looking forward to most when the Pandemic is over.