1 in 10 people have an asymptomatic tumor in their glands that can increase the risks of diabetes and high blood pressure

The reported development of a brand of hot dogs and sausages by the man known as "Snoop" is yet another example of his expanding his business empire. Fans.

A new study of nearly 70,000 COVID patients in California shows that omicron causes less severe disease than other coronaviruses, results that align with similar findings from South Africa, Britain andDenmark. Omicron infections were less likely to send people to the hospital. A large number of patients were identified from electronic medical records of Kaiser Permanente of Southern California.

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That kiss always makes me feel good.

On Wednesday, Machine Gun Kelly proposed to Megan Fox.

His ex-wife is freezing her eggs after he had a baby.

There are luxury rentals in Center City. The ideal location is on Independence Mall. There is amazing access to the parks.

A judge told a man who admitted to sexually assault a prisoner to choose between jail or the military, saying: "You are under the gun, young man."

According to a new report, last year was rife with problems and delays and this year will be no different.

It is not yet clear, but early data suggests that people might become contagious sooner than before. People with the coronaviruses are most likely to be infectious in the few days before and after symptoms develop. People with omicron could become contagious as soon as a day after being bitten.

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Unlike many platforms, there is no clear policy on misinformation on Spotify. Doctors and scientists are trying to change that.

The vacation destination was changed because of the planned show up by West.

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Jean Ramirez was a member of the team that made it to the World Series.

Chris Rondeau, CEO of Planet Fitness, reveals one stunning stat to Yahoo Finance Live and explains why he pulled the trigger on an $800 million deal.

The bodies of Harold and Tina Clouse were identified thanks to the use of DNA. The child is still missing.

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Millions of people delay seeing a doctor because of embarrassment and stigma.

The company said that starting next month, workers at the theme parks will have to bevaccinated or tested weekly in order to comply with federal guidelines. A majority of workers are protected from diseases. Companies with 100 or more employees are required to have unvaccinated employees undergo weekly COVID testing.

A restaurant in Iowa was criticized by an angry customer for the way their traditional ph was prepared. A customer at Pho Real Kitchen and Bar in Des Moines was shocked to find out that their order had not been cooked to order. The manager of the family-run business shared that the restaurant has recently received negative comments and reviews from customers who did not like the way their orders were prepared.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci said that Omicron will find just about everyone, with its extraordinary degree of efficiency of transmissibility. The U.S. set an all-time record for daily infections on Tuesday.

One of the most common symptoms of the Omicron COVID-19 variant is headaches. Here's what it feels like.

This new year, the heat is on at the Arby's.