American Airlines Passenger Breaks Into Cockpit, Damages Flight Controls

The flight controls on the American Airlines flight were broken due to the actions of a passenger, causing the delay of nearly eight hours. This is a very strange story.

There was a strange cockpit boarding incident.

The incident happened last night on American Airlines flight 488 from San Pedro Sula to Miami. American Airlines operated the flight. According to reports.

A passenger ran down the jet bridge onto the plane and into the cockpit.
He damaged the flight controls when he got into the cockpit.
The passenger tried to jump out of the open cockpit window when the pilot tried to stop him.

There is video footage of a passenger trying to jump out of the cockpit window during the boarding process, and there is also a picture of damage to the left engine throttle in the cockpit.

January 12, 2022.

We don't know why the passenger did what he did, as it was a strange act. I am not sure if I follow the logic of them trying to prevent the man from jumping out of the cockpit window. Is this for his own safety, so he doesn't hurt himself? It seems in everyone's best interest to not have someone in an enclosed space with 150 other people.

The cockpit door is usually open during the boarding process, though you need permission to enter, so it's a question of how this could happen. Cockpit doors are reinforced so there is no risk of something like this happening inflight.

The passengers were stuck for eight hours.

The American plane that had a lot of passengers was taken out of service due to the damage to the cockpit.

A replacement crew was sent by American Airlines with a six-year-old Boeing plane with the registration code N989N down to Honduras. The plane left Miami around four hours after the initial incident, which is not bad when you consider they had to find an aircraft, crew, etc.

The plane was turned around for the flight back to Miami after it landed in San Pedru Sula. It arrived in Miami at 2AM this morning.

The bottom line.

This has to be one of the stranger incidents we have seen, as bizarre airline passenger behavior has become pretty common nowadays. A passenger tried to jump out of the cockpit window after he broke the flight controls while boarding a Miami-bound American Airlines flight.

The passengers were stuck with a roughly eight hour delay after the airline dispatched a replacement aircraft and crew within four hours. What an incident this must have been...

What do you think about it?