The App Store clones are here to profit off Wordle’s success

The image is called "chorus image" and is on

The popular web app has been copied.

Wordle, the word-guessing puzzle game that has taken over our timelines, doesn't currently have an official app. It was a surprise to anyone who searched for it on the App Store, as it would show you several unofficial copies, each of which uses the same name and mechanics as the original, which was made by Josh Wardle.

Wordle has 2 million daily players and most people who have been online recently have had at least some exposure to it. It is a simple concept but done well, you go to the Wordle website each day and you are given five chances to guess a five-letter word. The game gives you feedback about what letters you put in the right place, what letters are in the word, but not in the order you picked, and what letters aren't in the correct answer. The black, green, and yellow square emojis are used to show off the players' play without giving away the meaning of the day.

Wordle has spawned a lot of parodies and meme.

There have been several clever parodies of Wordle, along with waves of jokes using the emoji block format that players use to share their scores, as happens to most good ideas. Many of the parody versions point users to the original, but this doesn't seem to be the case for the versions on the App Store. They try to look like the web version without mentioning that they are actually a spin-off. One version of the game that didn't call itself Wordle was the only one that seemed to acknowledge Wardle's version.

Wordle copies are the first two results. What Word uses Wordle in its listing name, but it is the only version that acknowledges the original.
The Wordle clone is using the "dot" naming method. Wordle! has been on the store for five years and is unrelated to the current popular game.
The Wordle clones continue.


The world of 'Flappy Bird' clones.

The situation is a little embarrassing for Apple, which has often cited its high standards and App Review process as a reason it should be allowed to keep control over which apps run on iPhone and iPad. The review process has been called into question by multiple scam and controversies, but they are using the same name and interface to the original, which feels blatant. Many people are tricked into thinking they are playing an official version.

Even worse is that the apps are copying a website, months after Apple championed progressive web apps in court as an option for developers during its legal battle. Developers targeting mobile audiences may make that argument fall flat. Owen Williams, a UX manager, points out on his website that they won't get a seat at the table when someone searches for their creation on the App Store.

If Apple and Google were actually allowing proper competition, you would be able to register a PWA/web app in their stores if you choose that route instead of a native app.
That doesn't help build their walled gardens.
Owen Williams is on January 11, 2022.

Wordle clones aren't as rampant on the Play Store as they are on the internet. Only one of the first dozen search results appeared to be a clone, and it was hidden behind a button. The Wordle clone on the iPad was not in the top three search results, and the developer behind it claimed to be getting 5,400 downloads an hour. The developer sent a notification with the caption "let's see what Apple thinks" before the app went live.

Wardle hasn't monetized his version of Wordle with ads, subscriptions, one-time payments or a tip jar. It is completely free. He made the game for his partner, who enjoyed crossword puzzles. Wardle said that Wordle's success is appreciated by people because it's fun. It is not trying to do anything shady with your data. It is a game that is enjoyable.

We are going to the moon.

The Wordle apps didn't copy the original's lack of a monetization scheme. One person had a $30-a-year in-app purchase to get the Pro version of the app, and others showed a lot of ads, often with the option of paying to remove them. The developer of the app said on their now-private account that they wanted to make tons of money in the year 2022. Paying would allow you to choose how many letters you wanted in the words. The real Wordle's play is one of the things that makes it so appealing.

Wordle now has a share button that will show you a grid of emoji. It's a pleasure to shout out to the person who invented the cool way to share your results each day.

Wordle 180 is on 3/6.
Try it out.
Josh Wardle is on the powerlanguish.

Wordle has a share function.

Most of the apps I tried didn't have any obvious copies of the original's share feature, which lets you easily copy a series ofspoiler-free blocks to share with friends or on social media. Adding a few extra words and saying "The Wordle App" in place of Wordle was what the one that offered the $30 subscription did.

If Apple wanted to keep blatant copies off the App Store, moderation would be difficult. Many of them haven't been updated in years and are not likely requiring any judgement calls from App Review.

It seems that Apple has decided to try. The clones disappeared from the App Store around an hour after we published the post. The ones that used the word Wordle are no longer around.

One of the developers behind a Wordle clone was reached out to by The Verge. Neither replied to our request for comment.

Wordle clones are no longer available in the App Store.