COVID-19 Vaccines Saved Over 240,000 American Lives in Just 6 Months, Study Finds

In the first six months of the country's inoculation program, the vaccine saved 241,000 lives and prevented more than 1 million hospitalizations.
A research letter published Tuesday in the journal JAMA Network Open found that the US COVID-19 vaccine campaign prevented more than 14 million cases from December 2020 to June 2021.
The researchers from Yale, the University of Maryland, and the York University in Toronto, Canada, wrote that their analytical model suggested that the US COVID-19 vaccine program was associated with a reduction in the total hospitalizations and deaths.

The researchers said that the vaccine prevented a wave of cases that would have occurred in April 2021.

The researchers said in the letter that a renewed commitment to vaccine access will be crucial to preventing avoidable COVID-19 cases and bringing the Pandemic to a close.
The researchers said that unreported cases of COVID-19 couldn't be included in the model because of the limitations.

The effect of waning immunity was not considered by researchers.

As new COVID-19 cases in the US and worldwide continue to shatter records due to the spread of the Omicron variant, the published research comes as a result.
According to data from the Department of Health and Human Services, hospitalizations in the US reached a new high this week, and the number of intensive care beds is full.

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 200 million people in the US are fully vaccineed against COVID-19.
According to the CDC, the US has recorded more than 835,000 deaths from the COVID-19 strain.

Business Insider published this article.

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