Elon Musk Conveniently Forgets to Mention He Didn’t Write a Famous TS Eliot Poem

Musk might want to add the title of "valor stealer" to his list of accomplishments.

The world's richest man has been repeating the famous line from the poem "The Hollow Men" for at least a year. Not with a bang but a whimper.

The CEO has yet to acknowledge that the quote came from a poem written about the aftermath of World War I and not about the decline in birth rates.

Musk doesn't seem to get the line quite right, for that matter. He warned Joe Rogan that civilization could end with a bang or a whimper. He warned of declining birthrates last summer.

Musk can't get enough of his own misreading of Eliot.

Adult incontinence products.

Musk is back at it again. Musk made an appearance on the show at the end of the year, but then he sounded off when a blue check investor quoted him.

Civilization will die with a whimper if the birth rate continues to fall.
January 10, 2022.

Some users on the social networking site pointed out the author of the quote, who they remembered from English Literature 101.

One user wrote that Musk is the perfect capitalist. He stole ideas and made them 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465, full of more regurgitated nonsense he stole from others.

Does it matter, considering the CEO and Musk have a tenuous relationship with sources?

There is reason to believe that Musk has read some of the works of Eliot.

It is likely that the misattribution was intentional. Musk posted a copypasta, often used to make fun of Alex Jones, just a day after allowing an overeager fan to attribute the famed quote to him. This one was attributed to JRR Tolkien.

January 9, 2022.

There isn't much hope that the world's richest man will behave less edgelordly in 2022.

Fans are angry at Musk for being mean to the senator.

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