The Oceans Are Now Hotter Than at Any Point in Recorded History, Scientists Warn

The evidence is irrefutable. The oceans are getting hotter because of global warming.

The Earth's oceans experienced another record year in 2021, with all major bodies of water around the world experiencing record heat for the top 6,500 feet of water.

The waters in the Pacific are cooling due to a La Nia event.

It is an alarming trend. 2020 was the second hottest year on record. The third?

Climate catastrophe.

It is almost certainly at fault.

Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, told The Guardian that the ocean heat content is a primary indicator of human-caused climate change.

Megastorms, devastating hurricanes, and severe flooding are some of the new weather patterns that come with warming oceans.

According to The Guardian, the oceans are the first place where harmful carbon dioxide gases are released.

The researchers said that the warming effect was most noticeable in the Atlantic and Southern oceans. The Pacific has seen dramatic increases for the last 30 or so years.

It is time to act.

Michael Mann, co-author of the book, told the British newspaper that until we reach net zero emissions, the heating will continue.

The hottest ocean temperatures in history were recorded last year.

Guy Testing Life-Extending Gene Therapy on Himself admits that the environmental catastrophe may pose a problem.

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