Check Out the Gorgeous First 3 Minutes of Mamoru Hosoda's Belle

After the screening of Mamoru Hosoda's newest film at the festival, it received a standing ovation, not for one minute, not for two, but 14 minutes. When the Academy Award-winning director of Summer Wars, Wolf Children, and Mirai makes a new movie, people tend to get impressed. The film is coming to the U.S. this week, if you are willing to brave the outdoors. The first few minutes of the film are absolutely beautiful.

The movie is about a high school student living in a rural village with her father. She has been a shadow of herself. One day, she becomes a member of a virtual world of five billion people. She is not Suzu anymore, but a famous singer. She meets a creature. They embark on a journey of adventures, challenges, and love in their quest to become who they truly are.

The opening few minutes of the movie are mostly about the concept of U. The table-setting is absolutely beautiful and has its own theme song from the millennium parade. It's here!

The Japanese name for the movie is Sobakasu no Hime, which means The Dragon and Freckled Princess, and it makes sense if you watched the trailer from this summer.

The English voice cast for the animated movie includes Paul Castro Jr. as Dragon, and Jessica DiCicco as Hiro. The film will be shown in IMAX on January 14.

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