NASA Scientist Describes Hunt for Alien Megastructures

Researchers at NASA and the SETI Institute are hoping that the truth is out there.
The SETI Institute is interested in larger objects and specifically alien megastructures, as well as scanning space for light and radio signals as indicators of extraterrestrial life.
A researcher scientist at NASA Ames and the SETI Institute said in a new interview that it was essentially any artificial structure built by an intelligent civilization for energy harvesting purposes.

Signatures are being detected.

Scientists have used the same method to find exoplanets and other heavenly bodies for decades.
We look at thousands of stars, take pictures, and translate them into a sequence of stars' brightness over time, explained Cody. Every time a planet passes by a star, it dims and emits a light signature.

She said that if you have an artificial megastructure, you could cause a different signature.

SETI has not yielded any signs of alien structures like Dyson Spheres. Researchers will be more than willing to let the public know if anything comes out, after they rigorously verify their findings.
Science should be happening behind closed doors, according to Vice. We want the public to see the process. It isn't like you discover something and there it is. You have to test all hypotheses.

Vice has a full interview withCody.

Scientists propose a new explanation for the alien megastructure.

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