American Airlines Pilot Under Fire For “Let’s Go Brandon” Luggage Tag

An angry passenger took to social media to complain about her pilot, who she photographed with a "Let's Go Brandon" tag on his luggage. American Airlines is looking into the incident.

A pilot with a luggage tag.

Morrison was traveling from Hewanorra International Airport in Sant Lucia to Miami. She noticed that his bag had a political tag on it.

Confused? You have to go back to October 2, 2021. Brandon Brown won. An NBC reporter interviewed him.

The crowd was chanting "Let's go Brandon!" as the interview progressed, according to Stavas. Brandon, let's go! They were chanting, "F* Joe Biden!" A new cottage industry of t-shirts, posters, cups, and other trinkets sprang up after the internet meme "Let's go Brandon" became an internet meme.

Morrison took to the internet to complain about her pilot.

The pilots of American Airlines are displaying this kind of cowardice when they are about to fly a plane. We are not the only passengers who were disgusted.

American Airlines responded quickly.

We want to get this to the right team after you brought this to our attention. Please tell me any additional information.

Morrison claimed to have sent direct messages to American Airlines.

This matter will be resolved internally at AA.

We have sent this over to crew leadership. They will handle this internally after reviewing it. Appropriate internal review will occur.

The answer is simple, no political slogans or pins on uniforms or luggage. There are no divisive stickers or pins. There were only name tag, wings, and epaulets. Wear the uniform. To look uniform is the goal. A picture of your dog or cat is not needed. It is what I love about Gulf and Asian airlines.


An internal investigation has been launched by American Airlines over a pilot who was pictured with a luggage tag. It is not clear how closely AA regulates crew baggage, but it should provide a company-issued baggage tag and note that nothing else is allowed on a crew bag.