Tesla 'Full Self-Driving' beta features an 'Assertive' mode with rolling stops

The "Assertive Mode" that may perform rolling stops and other borderline maneuvers is back in the latest version of "Full Self-Driving", according to The Verge. The update was pulled two days after it was released due to issues with traffic light left turns, unexpected stopping and more.
The latest update shows that the Full Self-Driving profiles are back. The notes state that if you choose assertive, your Model X will have a smaller follow distance, perform more frequent speed lane changes, and may perform rolling stops. The system can perform rolling stops even in "Average" mode.
It's not yet clear if FSD will use a rolling stop, which means a vehicle doesn't come to a complete halt at a stop sign. It's illegal in many states to stay in the left lane if you're not passing someone, and it's never a good idea to follow the vehicle ahead too closely. The mode hasn't been tested enough yet to demonstrate how it is doing those things.
Even though it's still in the early stages, CEO Musk announced on the weekend that the price of the car would be raised from $10,000 to $12,000. "Full Self-Driving" is not a true Level 4 self- driving service, but a Level 2 advanced driver assistance service.